Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Oriental Chicken Salad

This is one of my favorite salads ever.  My mom started making when I was in high school and lots of my girlfriends would beg to come over for dinner.  I am in Charlotte tonight and tomorrow for work and asked my mom to whip up this old favorite.  It did NOT disappoint, so I thought I'd share.

Oriental Chicken Salad

Lettuce of your choosing (non-iceberg) torn into pieces
1 cup+ walnuts
2 packages Ramen noodles (any flavor, because you toss the seasoning packages)
4 T butter
2 bunches green onions chopped
4 chicken breasts (roasted with olive oil, garlic salt, S&P until golden brown)

1/2 c. canola oil
3/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. red wine vinegar
3 T. soy sauce
salt & pepper

Heat all of the above ingredients except oil together and cool, then whisk in the oil.  To thicken it up you can blend in small food processor and then refrigerate overnight (the longer you chill, the better -- do at least a few hours in advance, ideally overnight).

Saute onions in melted butter (about 5 minutes) on medium heat.  Crumble noodles & walnuts and add to pan -- continue stirring until everything is toasted (about 15 minutes on medium heat so that butter is all absorbed).



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