Our den has definitely made progress, but it is still not a room I LOVE....especially considering we probably spend the most time here (awake time, that is). I can't put my finger on what the issue is -- still too dark? not enough color?
Would drapes help?
I have been thinking about how much drapes finish a room. AND I keep finding myself drawn to drapes (and pillows) with a ribbon detail like these...
I can't remember where I found this image-- I've had it for ages!
Sometimes I can't picture as well as I'd like in my head...so I turn to PowerPoint (because I don't have photoshop) for help.
Josh was laughing at my skills and asked if I could move O into the other picture...
Here she is relaxing in her new room, kind of.
Maybe I can make my own drapes and cornices (with the help of my wonderful mom!!!).
Then I started thinking about how I keep wanting a small gold and glass coffee table and began doing a little more work in PowerPoint:
The third coffee table background was really not cooperating...but I noticed this online at Pier1 a few months ago (now on sale for even better price). It has a lot of potential I think -- and I love the second shelf. Here is what I have in mind for this (or a similar) bargain.
Mom-- maybe we should add this to the list of things I'd like to do next weekend while I'm home.
a seagrass rug would lighten up the room a lot!